Bundaberg Touch Management Committee has finalised its COVID Safe Plan under Stage 3 Return to Sport guidelines and are exited to announce that our Season 1 competition will resume on Tuesday 21 July 2020.
There will be some changes to the way we conduct the sport, such amended game times, entry/exit points, Get in, Play Get out model, contact tracing recording and no spectators and canteen services for the first 4 weeks.
We must emphasis the need for all our members follow the protocols in line with our COVID Safe Plan and therefore everyone has the responsibility to keep our Touch Community safe. Further information will be emailed to all registered members early next week with additional requirements for the return to play.
Dust off the boots, start some physical activity ready to play on the 21 July. Many hands will assist with meeting our COVID Safe Plan requirements. A few additional volunteers will be required for competition night.. Let us know if you can assist.