About the Club
Bundaberg Touch Football Association (Greg Duncan Fields) is a sporting organisation located on the Isis Highway just a few minutes west from the Bundaberg CBD.
We are affiliated with Queensland Touch Football, Touch Football Australia and the Central Queensland Bulls.
Our Senior competition is played Tuesday nights catering for Mens, Women, Mixed and Masters players with two seasons offered each year. Our Junior competition is played on Friday nights in summer and offers junior divisions from U10’s to U17’s Boys and Girls.
Many players, referees and coaches from Bundaberg have gone on to represent Central Queensland, Queensland and Australia. Bundaberg Touch has a strong affiliated with local, region and state school sport touch programs.
We have 6 fields under lights and another four that can be used for day time play when required. Bundaberg Touch has hosted many regional and state events such as the Queensland Touch State Cup, Bundaberg Cup, Queensland Junior State Championships, Central Queensland Junior Championships and Queensland Schools Sport State Touch Championships (Primary/Secondary).


National Touch League &
National Youth Champs
NTL 10th - 14th March
NYC 16th - 19th Sept

Contact Us
Contact Name : David Field
Email: bundytouch@gmail.com
Greg Duncan Fields, University Drive, Bundaberg
PO Box 1285 Bundaberg QLD 4670
For ALL Junior enquires please use our Bundy Junior Touch email address bundyjuniortouch@gmail.com to contact our Competition Administrator